Visiting Morning Star Maple in Dublin, NH

Morning Star Maple in Dublin, NH.  Great syrup and host to a donut pop-up trailer.  Best. Donut. Ever.

Morning Star Maple in Dublin, NH.  Great syrup and host to a donut pop-up trailer.  Best. Donut. Ever.

I had a date with a good friend for coffee this morning, and happened to see a note from another good friend on Facebook.  She said that Morning Star Maple was having a donut maker there for fresh-made maple donuts.  Hmmm.  Donuts don’t particularly move my needle, but why not have our coffee there instead of our usual spot?  I text her in the morning and she is ecstatic!  She has had the donuts and she promises me they are off the charts!  So we meet downtown and I drive her to Morning Star Maple.  Best decision of my life.  Or of the week.  It was a good decision.

The product offerings and evaporator at Morning Star Maple.  The steam from the sap literally streams directly out an opening in the roof!

We meet and go in to buy some maple syrup made on premise.  The sap is put into their evaporator and 40 gallons of sap eventually boils down to one gallon of syrup.  I have done this before.  Morningstar’s evaporator is a thing of beauty.  A woman is offering free pancakes with syrup, but the line is so long, we decide to buy our syrup and head out to the donut trailer.

My life was changed by a donut today.

So, they call these donuts “mini-burros”, like a donkey.  We buy a bag of six and I get a coffee to go along with it.  The coffee is not that great, but the burros… OH MY GOD!!!!  Light, crispy, cinnamon-sugary and fantastic!!!  Again, I am not a huge donut girl, but I can’t get over these things!!  I will be back tomorrow morning for more!  Had to have a moment of silence.  Yes, they were all that.

After my donut moment, we head to downtown Peterborough where I get a proper coffee and do a walkabout.  It is a beautiful sunny day.  After our quality time, I head home to make dinner for the fam.  But these donuts…..